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HR ‘63 – 60th Reunion

May 31 – June 2, 2023

Forum session

Our democracy in action – activism in our 80s

— June 2, Friday @ 8:30 AM – Science Center Hall E —

Dorothy Stoneman, Éva Borsody Das, David Allen
Ron Blau, Anne Huberman, Joel Huberman

Breakouts are the heart of our session

In three breakouts, we each bring our individual experiences, then together we consider where we take our activism.

Video welcome from Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben, our inimitable fellow alum (‘82), welcomed with six minutes of video, addressed to our session. His national and global leadership has created of course for climate and democracy, and Th!rd Act for ‘Americans over the age of sixty determined to change the world for the better.’ Enjoy Bill's welcome here.

Link to the three breakouts, below.


Participants in the CLIMATE CRISIS breakout group may want to prepare for the session or follow up the session by seeking a path to climate activism that suits their interests. Here are some resources we’ve gathered — the list is far from comprehensive, of course.

Transforming our Economy

Our climate crisis and the challenges to democracy, as well as poverty and extreme inequality, seem to be caused by our current form of corporate capitalism which is governed by rules which prioritize profit and concentrate wealth and power in the top 1%.

We’ll discuss our various visions for a New Economy and how to get there. Both experts and learners are welcome! If you are moved to prepare, resources can be found here.

Challenges to Democracy

Though not always well or widely known, even hidden, the challenges to democracy are manifold, even extensive.

After we take stock of just what challenges us, we'll turn to the less obvious question: How and where might we commit our energies toward a stable democratic polity?
