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Resources and Links for Transforming Our Economy
After our 60th reunion the break-out group on Transforming Our Economy decided to continue meeting as a study and action group focused on understanding the role that our current form of corporate capitalism has in creating the myriad problems embedded in our society, envisioning a future economy that would solve those problems, and finding the path to that future either through collaborating with existing organizations or mobilizing ourselves in new ways, or both.
We are collecting and sharing resources as we go. The evolving collection is below, including books, articles, videos, organizations and campaigns. It will continue to expand.
If you are interested in joining us, please email Dorothy Stoneman at
Evolving Collection of Resources on the Economy
- A Declaration of Independence from Wall Street: Agenda for a New Economy: from Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, David C. Korten, 2010, (An analysis of what’s wrong, a vision for the future, and steps to get there.)
- Saving Capitalism for the Many Not the Few, Robert Reich. 2015, (Profoundly informative history and knowledge about the need and how to change the rules governing the economy)
- Economic Apartheid in America, Chuck Collins, with United for a Fair Economy, 2005 (An excellent overall analysis of the problems, the solutions, the policy changes, and the organizations working on it.)
- The New Systems Reader, Alternatives to a Failed Economy, Edited by James Gustave Speth and Kathleen Courier, (Articles from over 30 economists, each envisioning the future systems. Very inspiring and hopeful.)
Some Active Organizations Focused on the Economy to check out:
- United for a Fair Economy:
- New Economy Coalition:
- Poor People’s Campaign:
- International Cooperative Alliance:
- Resource Generation:
- Progressive Democrats of America:
- Roosevelt Institute:
- Democratic Socialists of America:
- The Democracy Collaborative (TDC):
- People’s Economy Lab:
- Third Act: (climate and democracy)
- US Federation of Worker Coops:
Some Organizations focused on equal opportunity and racial equity within Capitalism:
- CRE Alliance (Corporate Racial Equity Alliance). Founding partners: PolicyLink, FSG, Just Capital.
- Greenlining Institute works towards a future where communities of color can build wealth, live in healthy places filled with economic opportunity, and are ready to meet the challenges posed by climate change.
Articles from various websites:
- Omidyar Network: This is the text of the Re-imagining Capitalism statement of Omidyar Network. They are pro-capitalist, but clear in naming its problems plus many solutions. Might be useful.
More Book Suggestions:
- Wealth Supremacy: Marjorie Kelly (Suggested by John Bell)
- Socialism for Today: Escaping the Cruelties of Capitalism: David M. Kotz (Suggested by Dorothy Stoneman) To be published in 2024.